You should be celebrating your wealth, not stressing over it.

Managing your personal finances and investments is complex.

Who or what depends on you to get it right?

Branch Partners helps families and individuals sift through the noise to develop a clear, intelligent and customized financial strategy that fits their unique set of goals and objectives. We provide the clarity and tools to allow our clients to celebrate their wealth.

Celebrating your wealth should not be hard and, at Branch Partners,

we make it simple. One wealth team. All in-house.

Wealth Management

Investment Management

Tax Planning & Preparation

Trust Services


Retirement Planning Services

Read Our Most Recent Insights

Solid Results and Finish to 2023. Back to Normal Is Our Theme for 2024.

Solid Results and Finish to 2023. Back to Normal Is Our Theme for 2024.

Our theme for the equity market as we approached 2023 was: 2023 is likely to be the inverse of 2022. We’re deeply gratified that this became reality. Unlike many, we expected solid results for stocks this past year, and that is exactly what investors got. This cheer...

More to Celebrate Than Fear as We Head Into 2024

More to Celebrate Than Fear as We Head Into 2024

“By rationally looking at long-term trends instead of viscerally reacting to the horror story of the day, you’ll see that there’s much more to celebrate than to mourn.” — The Wall Street Journal, excerpt from “For the New Year, Say No to Negativity,” Dec. 27, 2019...

Corporate Executive Services

As a corporate executive, you have a lot on your plate. At Branch Partners, we provide support for your personal finances so you are free to focus on your business, your employees and your family.

Are You Asking

the Right Questions?

“Don’t let making a living prevent you from making a life.”


– John Wooden

“So everybody has some information. The function of the market is to aggregate that information, evaluate it, and get it incorporated into prices.”


– Merton Miller

“The important thing about an investment philosophy is that you have one you can stick with.”


– David Booth

“Everything in life, individually or socially, is a tradeoff. We determine the risk levels we’re willing to tolerate with the context of our goals and objectives.”


– Robert C. Merton

“The money we manage is not our money - it’s our clients’ past and their future.”


– Eduardo Repetto

“We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.”


– Winston Churchill

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367 Prince Avenue, Suite E
Athens, GA 30601

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